Friday, February 27, 2009


This morning, I read a story about a woman who embezzled funds from an Ann Arbor hockey league. The Ann Arbor Amateur Hockey Association (AAAHA) had been putting money in to a special fund for decades. The money was to be spent on the construction of “an independent ice rink for children in the local hockey league”. ( This plan was terminated due to the fact that Kimberly Knight, an employee of the AAAHA, spent close to $1 million of the AAAHA’s funds on gifts and a vacation for her family. She apparently purchased some construction equipment for her family’s struggling business, expensive jewelry, extravagant clothing, a 2005 Cadillac Escalade and various other items. Knight had been embezzling the money from 2005 through 2007. It wasn’t until August of 2007 that a forensic audit showed the missing funds and Knight was fired.
This case was discussed on the radio today. The on-air personalities found it odd that this woman’s conscience wouldn’t stop her from committing this crime. A lot of emphasis was put on consequences and how people so often avoid considering them. It was hypothesized that this type of activity is an addiction, leading one to become obsessive and gain a “high” from illegal activities. I always find it fascinating when morality is discussed outside of a Christian perspective. Motivation should come from one’s desire to follow God’s commands and represent him. I remember times in my life when I committed certain acts because I knew there was a slim chance that I would be caught. I also remember doing certain things because I feared the wrath of my parents and other authority figures. God doesn’t need forensic evidence to know we are guilty. He also doesn’t need statistical research to know the consequences of sin. He gives us logical instructions in the Bible that if followed, will help us be freed from sin. God knows our potential, both good and evil. He wants us to live for and fear Him first.

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