Tuesday, April 8, 2008

He Commands the Wind and Water

I was not only the firstborn son of my parents, but I was the firstborn among my cousins. For several years, I was the only child receiving attention at family gatherings and I was blessed to be the lone recipient of toys and other gifts at Christmas. I would completely consider myself as a spoiled child. I don’t know if it is related, but I suspect that this was the reason I was the last among my peers to try several new things. If I didn’t want to learn to do something, I avoided the subject entirely. The first obstacle I had to overcome later than my friends was a fear of water. I could wade but not dive.
Once I could actually go near water, I had to face one of my worst fears, the diving board. While other children had little problem flying through the air and landing several feet below the surface of the pool, I stood poolside feigning a stomachache or claiming that I had just eaten. Instead of working on my cannon ball, I was thinking of new excuses I could use to hide my shame. Instead of trying to break the surface of the water without making a splash, I was picturing myself choking and gasping for air as I became unconscious under water. I always had a knack for considering dangers.
God often calls us to leave what is comfortable and familiar. He asks us to choose building His kingdom over creating a kingdom of our own. In Luke 8:19-21, Jesus talks about leaving one’s family. I don’t think Jesus is suggesting that we leave behind our responsibility to care for our families. He states that “those who hear God’s word and put it in to practice” are his brothers and sisters. We can wade in the pool, or we can dive in to a life led by God’s teachings. In Luke 8:22-25, Jesus calms the storm. When we have faith, we learn that God is in control. We have to face difficulties, but not without God.

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