Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Illuminate 2010: Drive

This weekend the youth group made its annual trip to Illuminate, a youth conference at the Rochester Church of Christ in Rochester Hills, Michigan. I am very thankful to everyone that made the trip. I would also like to thank the elders for allowing us to be there. It was an excellent time of fellowship, worship, and spiritual growth.
The theme of this year’s Illuminate was “Drive”. Various speakers and performers throughout the weekend used the word in its various definitions. David Skidmore, a youth minister from Tennessee, spoke about how many of us are running on empty, living without a passionate relationship with God. He mentioned David’s Psalms of lament that might seem depressing but show an authentic connection to the Creator. While introducing the concept of “Japanese Bible Theatre” to us, David Skidmore referenced Jesus’ meeting with Nathanael and Philip in John 1. In this story we find two kinds of disciples. There are those like Philip that immediately does what God commands without hesitation. Then, there is Nathanael, who though skeptical is complimented for his authenticity and desired as a disciple in God’s kingdom.
Finally, Skidmore spoke about “Our song”. Those of us that know God and are driven by our desire to serve Him have a beautiful song that people want to hear. We need to be aware of what our song sounds like. If we are tied down by Earthly pursuits, our skepticism, or if we can’t get past our lamenting, we have a song that few want to hear. We have to be driven people, and not simply people that believe in Jesus. We exist to love and to serve the people in our lives. Like David Skidmore did, I want to challenge you to find one person in your life that you can lead to know Christ. Pray without ceasing and share the gospel without fear to all who will hear.

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