Monday, May 14, 2007

We've Got Worms

One of my favorite television commercials features a woman asking an awkward question, "Do you have worms?" with a sultry foreign accent. It's one of the most ridiculous things seen on television and repeatedly gets a laugh from me. The worms this spokeswoman is referring to are computer worms, self-replicating programs that harm computer networks. Computer viruses, like biological viruses require a host to survive. Computer viruses need to attach themselves to programs and biological viruses attach themselves to our cells. Viruses replicate themselves, eventually destroying the host and spreading out to cause further destruction. If you've ever had a computer virus infect your computer, it is incredibly frustrating. Programs cease functioning, important files are lost, and large amounts of money and time are spent on recovery and prevention. Despite the ever-growing problem of these internet assassins, viruses are not too difficult to avoid. One merely needs to install anti-virus software and avoid questionable programs.
The problem of sin is not too different from the dilemma of viruses. Sin, if we allow it, enters our lives and eventually tears us apart. It might start with a relatively unnoticeable offense and become an epidemic. 2 Corinthians 6:14-18 tells us that we, as the temple of God, need to separate ourselves from what is unclean. We need to, like an anti-virus program, search for and remove sin from our lives. Without getting rid of every trace of the sinful nature, we will eventually be overcome by it.

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