Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Sinless World Records

It is impressive and sometimes shocking to discover what human beings are capable of. I enjoy looking through the Guinness World Records books and finding the more ridiculous and obscure feats of human ability. For example, John Evans of England currently holds the record for “Heaviest Car Balanced on Head”. John was able to balance a 352 lb Mini Cooper on his head for 33 seconds. The longest finger nails of a female belong to Lee Redmond of the good old U. S. of A., who hasn’t cut her finger nails since the year I was born in 1979. Lee’s nails currently are measured at a total length of 24ft 7.8 in. Imagine being able to scratch your toes while standing straight up or worrying about skewering your eyeballs when scratching your head in pondering life’s mysteries.

I’m fairly certain I hold the record for most Skittles eaten in a single sitting, but no official record exists of the event. I did more than taste the rainbow, I engulfed it. I know one record I don’t hold is fewest sins committed. I constantly struggle with my imperfection and the resulting iniquities. Hebrews 12:1 reminds me that sin “easily entangles” us. Like 24ft 7.8 in of protein extending from one’s finger tips, sin will continue to grow if we allow it. Hebrews 12:1 also reminds me that we are running a race marked out for us. One doesn’t set records without perseverance. God has a goal set for us and the only way we will reach it is with diligence in removing all aspects of sin.

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