Tuesday, January 5, 2010

We Are All Supermen

Jeff Wise’s book, “Extreme Fear: The Science of Your Mind in Danger”, discusses how our bodies respond to hazardous circumstances. Wise uses several real stories as the framework for his exploration. In a chapter entitled “Superhuman”, an ordinary man performs an incredible feat of strength to rescue a cyclist who has been run over by a car. Tom Boyle, Jr. and his wife were leaving the shopping mall where they had just had dinner. They heard a Camaro squeal its tires as it shot onto the avenue. Tom looked up to see a shower of sparks fly up from beneath the Camaro. The Camaro had hit a cyclist and pinned him beneath the vehicle. Boyle, without thinking, ran towards the Camaro, reached under its frame, and lifted the vehicle off of the 18-year-old cyclist. Boyle held the car’s front end up for about 45 seconds while its driver pulled the cyclist to safety. Boyle, no weakling, was able to lift a 700 lb. barbell. A stock Camaro weighs 3,000 lbs. Something extraordinary happened to the body of Tom Boyle.
One of my personal goals is to view others and myself the way that God sees us. God knows our potential. Too often we sell ourselves short thinking we’ve worked ourselves in to an inescapable corner, unable to accomplish anything great. We think of ourselves and others as too old, too young, too stupid, too weak, or too inexperienced. God always seems to choose the least likely heroes. When the Israelites were led out of Egypt, God didn’t find the best speaker. When Samuel looked for a new king, he wasn’t to select the tallest or strongest man. When Jesus hand picked his apostles, he didn’t ask for a resume or good references. He chose fishermen and tax collectors. Today he chooses you!

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