In case I haven’t mentioned it before, I will remind you that my life is chock full of awkward moments. I don’t know if I have more than my fair share, but these moments come ridiculously often in my daily interactions with other human beings. Let’s just say if I ask someone for a synonym of awkward, he or she replies, “Your life”. This morning’s awkward moment was not nearly embarrassing as many others, but it was uncomfortable nevertheless. The following story, which you’d know if you followed me on Twitter or Facebook, mentions urine. I hope that doesn’t offend you and lead to yet another awkward moment.
I took all three of my pets to the vet this morning. I carried the cat in first, sharing in pet related conversation with other pet owners (awkward conversation, I should add). I went to get my dogs and came back to find the cat had covered herself in urine. She is an extremely clean animal and has never done this before. Her formerly fluffy, now soaked body made its way around the vet’s office covering everything in urine and filling the air with a horrendous scent. I apologized at least 40 times. To make things worse, I was very tired and fell in to a guilt-induced trance. While I was thinking about how remorseful I was, the veterinary assistant asked me if I had any questions. I believe that I stared her straight in the face for at least 10 to 15 seconds before giving an answer.
I don’t think life has to be as awkward and guilt ridden as we sometimes make it. In Romans 8 we learn that because of Jesus, we do not face condemnation. John 8:36 tells us that the Son has made us free. We should live like we are free, excited about who we are and how God can use us to do his work. If we live sincerely by faith, we live with a clean conscience. (Heb. 10) We don’t have to worry about what other people think of us because God thinks well enough of us to set us free from sin and guilt! Hold your head up high and know you’re saved!
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