Wednesday, April 2, 2008

The Light Side of the Force

If you haven’t figured it out already, I am a bit of a geek. For those of you unaware of the meaning of this term, a geek is considered in the dictionary to be “a peculiar or otherwise odd person, especially one who is perceived to be overly intellectual". One who is in his late 20s and wears his hair in a “faux hawk” is not often labeled as “overly intellectual”, so I will have to present another common definition of the term “geek”. Geeks are also thought of as individuals who have a devotional to something to that puts them outside of the mainstream. For example, I have a penchant for video games that has never exactly made me one of the most popular guys out there. I didn’t win my wife’s heart by showing her my highest score in “Pac-Man” or “Donkey Kong”.
In this article, I want to talk about my love for one of the greatest film series of all time, “Star Wars”. I’m not the type to dress up to attend conventions and I didn’t enjoy the three latest movies all that much, but I do enjoy the franchise. “Star Wars” is like any other legend or mythological tale fabricated by man. It involves the same basic elements of light and darkness. The light eventually overcomes the dark side, fueled by hatred and destruction. The hero of the light must overcome seemingly impossible odds. However, no matter how powerful the darkness may seem, the light wins in the end.
Jesus uses darkness and light in several parables and illustrations. In Luke 8:16-18, Jesus states through an illustration that we can’t hide from the light. God knows our hearts and every action that we take. We need to take pride in our Christianity. We need to show our light whenever possible. When we walk in darkness, our rewards are only temporary. In light, our rewards are eternal.

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