Tuesday, April 1, 2008

I Owed a Debt I Could Not Pay

During high school, I spent more time at my part time job than the average high school student. Working at Burger King was definitely not my dream job, but it paid for my various extravagances and allowed me to save a little cash for college. At first working only a few hours after school, I soon began to work past midnight as I assisted in closing the restaurant. One would think that I would have saved a ridiculous amount of money working occasionally 30 plus hours every week. However, between college and a few ridiculous purchases like a brand new sofa with a fold out bed, I found it rather difficult to keep extra money in the bank. In college, I began to appreciate every dollar that came my way. Every left over cent was precious as I strived to pay for college, fun, and even food when the cafeteria’s offerings were unrecognizable to the human eye.
Being in debt often changes our view of others. We work hard to pay off our debts. We take pride in our accomplishments, but sometimes to the extent that we shun those who don’t seem to work as hard. In Luke 7:36-50, we read the story of a “woman who had lived a sinful life”. A few of those present don’t understand why Jesus allows this woman to anoint him and wash his feet. So, Jesus tells them a parable explaining that those who owe more of a debt than others appreciate being freed from their debt more. I appreciate money more when I don’t have it in abundance. I appreciate God when I realize that he has freed me from my sin. We must welcome those who are caught in sin. Our world is filled with people who find it nearly impossible to live right. These people need us most. And, no matter how “debt free” we see ourselves as, we owe a lot to God.

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