Thursday, October 1, 2015

How to Care For Your Fig Tree

     I am an aspiring gardener. I say aspiring because the only plants I have been able to grow effectively are weeds fit for a Jurassic Park velociraptor enclosure. Today, I looked up a few tips for caring for a tree. Obviously, trees need water (around 25 gallons each week). Weeds should be controlled naturally using mulch (avoid volcano mulch). Trees should be protected from lawn mowers, weed whackers, and animals. Carefully prune your tree using clean, sharp tools (trees can become diseased just like us!). Do not make flush cuts as they promote the spread of decay inside the tree.

     There is an interesting parable that Jesus tells in Luke 13:6-9. In this parable, a man plants a fig tree and becomes disappointed when the tree does not produce figs. The man says to his gardener, “I’ve waited three years, and there hasn’t been a single fig! Cut it down. It’s just taking up space in the garden.” (NLT) The gardener defends the fig-less tree, asking the tree’s owner to give him one more year to care for and fertilize the tree. When we face frustration and disappointment, our first response is often to give up. Jobs, relationships, and other pursuits do not always produce the results that we desire. We then try to throw them away.

     A good gardener recognizes that trees need special attention. I honestly never thought to disinfect my pruning shears! When you face frustration, “dig around it and put in fertilizer.” (Luke 13:8, NASB) Be patient and be honest with yourself. Maybe you need to make some changes within yourself. Maybe you need to recognize that each failure is like feces. Frustration stinks but it feeds growth within us. 

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