I found a list of inventions on the internet this morning that no sensible individual should ever consider purchasing or needing. Advancing as far as we have has been no small feat. We have been to the moon and created microprocessors that can perform a variety of incredible feats. Once in a great while though, the right combination of twisted genius, ignorance, and perhaps alcohol intake allows a person to invent items like the baby toupee. This is exactly what it sounds like, embarrassing wigs for infants.
The next invention is one I’ve actually seen at a number of stores. “Doggles” are goggles for dogs. I don’t know about your dog, but there is no way my dogs would be comfortable with a pair of goggles strapped over their faces.
I’ll admit that I’ve written things I need to remember down on my hand. I was caught doing it once to cheat on a test in elementary school and never did it again. The To-Do Tattoo allows one to write down a to-do list and create a temporary tattoo. I guess it would make a pretty nice gag gift for one of those “over the hill” type birthday celebrations. If you are getting senile, you might need the next invention. The “Motorized Ice Cream Cone” spins the ice cream in your mouth so you don’t have to. I can think of a couple individuals I might like to give this gift too as they really seem to be working hard when eating ice cream. This is a little pet peeve of mine I’ve recently discovered.
God has blessed us all with an amazing cornucopia of different ideas and abilities. Ephesians 4:11-13 mentions some of the different positions in the church as they pertain to building up the church. You might not be a preacher, deacon, or elder, but you can definitely come up with ways to further God’s kingdom on Earth. Galatians 6 tells us about doing good to all and carrying our own load. Use what you have to give others what they don’t have. People might not need baby toupees or Doggles, but they need God.
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