In recent years, I’ve become fascinated by the processes by which various physical objects are created. Just looking around any given space, one can find hundreds and thousands of man-made products with a variety of purposes. Have you ever considered the process by which natural materials are converted to plastic? Our world does not require us to have this knowledge. Different people have different skills that fulfill the needs of others. Since man first had to depend on his own skills to provide for himself, we have been learning more and more about how to manipulate our world. We created tools, using physics and chemistry to create objects. The industrial revolution gave us manufacturing processes, allowing former craftsmen to pursue other interests.
Eventually, computers were invented and have since become a valuable part of our every day lives. Minds formerly taught to deal with a physical plane of existence are now learning to operate within a world of software. Computers are very complex and just a few years ago, were incredibly difficult for the average person to operate. Our children are growing up in a world where computer software is more simple and elegant.
It is important that no matter how far we advance in to the digital realm, we continue to remember where we came from. If you are reading this, you are most likely alive. This means you’ve at least had your basic needs met up to this point. And, if you really stop and consider where you stand today, you will see that you are blessed far more than many people living in this world. I constantly have to go back to Matt. 6:25-34 to be reminded that God continues to provide for me. Even with all of our understanding and labor, it is God who ultimately provides for us. We don’t need to continue to worry about tomorrow.
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