German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche created a great deal of controversy when he made a now infamous statement about the death of God. Nietzsche reasoning behind this statement was the idea that science and rationalism had replaced God in the hearts of men. Those of us who are believers in Christ do not consider God to be dead, but do often neglect the relevance of God’s word. If God’s word doesn’t apply to us, it is as if God is actually dead. If we do not rely on God’s word, what do we have left to rely on?
David shows a true love for and dedication to God’s word in the Psalms. In Psalms 119:97, David states that he loves God’s law and meditates on it all day long. David says that God’s commands make him wiser than his enemies. Matthew 4:4 informs us that we live by the word of God. If we hunger only for material blessings and ignore the word of God, we will starve. How many of us starve ourselves the very moment the worship service ends? How many of us read the scriptures without allowing them to constantly live within us? Scripture must be used not just in emergencies, but in every moment!
Hebrews 4:12-13 is a striking description of the nature of God’s word. We do not live as Christians only when it is convenient for us to do so. God’s word is meant to penetrate the soul, transforming the “thoughts and attitudes of the heart.” God doesn’t give out ‘free passes’ to be used at our leisure and neither does Satan. If we choose to merely emulate the standards and practices of the world, God will know and He will judge us accordingly. If we allow ourselves to wander from the word of God, Satan will find us.